Advanced Dog Training Commands Guide : Basic to Advanced

According to the newest statistics, 38.4% of households own a dog in the USA.

Pet owners must properly train their dogs and teach them fundamental commands. Dog training stimulates your dog's mind and develops discipline and obedience, resulting in a more active and well-behaved dog. There are several dog obedience training facts to be aware of, but here are a few of the most important Dog Training Commands you can teach your dogs.

1.       Name Recognition

The first and important advanced dog training command is “Name Recognition”. The goal is to correctly address your dog when teaching commands. Before you start training your dog for any activity, make sure they know their name. This should be the first step toward establishing discipline. If you address your puppy correctly, it will be easier to teach him directions and exercises. If your dog stares or looks at you when you say their name, this is clear evidence that they respond well. When they get things right, don't forget to give them a reward or attention.

2.       Come

The second advanced command you can teach your dog is “Come”. The goal is to get your dog to return to you and keep him safe. Put a collar and leash on your dog before performing this command. Pull the dog's leash towards you from a safe distance and say 'come.' Make sure to reward your dog with a treat, praise, or affection as soon as they move closer to you. Rep this exercise with your dog until he understands it.

3.       Down or Lie Down

The goal is to calm down an overly exuberant dog while also dealing with some of the dog's behavioral concerns. Because your dog must be in a passive stance, this activity is a little difficult. Offer your dog a goodie while you carry out this order. Close your fist around the reward and slowly bring it closer to your dog's nose and face. Allow your dog to sniff the object before shifting your hand to the floor and allowing them to follow. Slide your hand along the floor until your dog falls asleep. Giving the 'down' instruction once they are down is ideal. Praise your dog or give him a treat for his good behavior. Rep until they have mastered the exercise.

4.       Take It and Drop It

The goal is to teach your dog to drop whatever they've taken. To use this command, give the command to your dog, 'take it' when he open their mouth and are willing to grab or catch the thing. Allow them time to play with the thing before gradually introducing another object that is identical to the first. It will cause your dog to move towards the second object and grasp it if it gives the idea that it has the same value as the first. Give him a command (drop it) once your dog has dropped the first one. When your dog catches or clutches the second thing, say "take it." Reward your dog after he has done the right thing, and have them practice this activity until they have mastered it.

5.       Sit-Stay

The goal is to calm your dog down and keep them under control. This activity consists of a combination of two commands: sit and stay. Begin by teaching your dog how to sit. Begin by giving your dog a treat as a reward for completing this activity. Now, hold the treat closer to your dog's nose, then slowly and gradually move your hand up, until your dog's head moves in the same direction as your hand. Give your dog 'sit' order while he is in the natural sitting position. Repeat this task with food or praise until your dog has mastered it.

Teach your dog the 'stay' command once they've mastered the 'sit' command. When your dog is in a natural sitting position, open your palm facing your dog and instruct him to 'stay.' Gradually move further away from your dog as you continue the activity, then say the 'stay' command. When you perform a good job, reward your dog with a treat or praise. Rep the activity until they've mastered it.

6.       Stand

The purpose is to make it easier to position the dog in situations where standing is essential, such as grooming or being inspected by a physician. Begin by issuing the 'sit' command. With a goodie in your hand, move it forward and down towards your dog's nose. Move your hand forward, following the direction of your hand holding the treat, until the dog stands up. Say the order "stand" to your dog and praise or reward him with a goodie.

7.       Heel

The goal is to teach the dog how to be well-behaved when you are nearby. Starting with your right hand holding the dog's leash, give this order. Allow your dog to remain to your left. Hold the goodie in your left hand and guide your dog while walking or teaching them to sit. Give the command 'heel'. Take a few steps forward while leading your dog with you. Give your dog a treat or praise him or her.

Advanced Dog Training Tricks

Here are some of the Advanced Dog Training Tricks you should teach your dog.

1.       “Spin Around”

First dog training tip is “Spin Around”. Let's learn this new and cool trick that is actually easy to teach your puppy. You have to train them properly and he will like to spin their tail on your command.

2.       “Waving Goodbye”

It might be the most difficult thing to teach your dog to wave= goodbye than it is to say hello with the paw. When you wave to him, the result looks like the paw is traveling from up to down. Typically, the technique is taught by first teaching your dog how to give a high-five.

3.       “Play Dead”

When you have visitors around, one of the tricks that dog owners like to do is play dead. We like to brag about having a dog, and it's much more impressive when the dog knows advanced tricks like this.

4.       “Hug Me”

Teaching your dog to embrace you is a fun advanced dog trick that will provide you and your dog a lot of comfort in the future. It consists of two stages, with the dog dropping into your arms when you spread your arms as the end result.

5.       “Close the Door”

It takes a long time to train your dog on this sophisticated dog trick, but the end result is a really practical and useful technique. We're all too lazy or busy at times to close the door that has been left open, but if you teach your dog this trick, he'll be able to do it for you.
